Brow/Forehead Lift

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Los Angeles and Beverly Hills

Beauty portrait of female face stock imageAside from sagging in an aging face, older Asians also have issues with sagging around the upper eyelid region. Although many people believe this is due to the presence of excess fat, it is actually the result of redundant eyelid skin, muscle, and brow; yet, it is the brow that is often overlooked when it comes to addressing this issue. Generally, Asians have thicker brow skin and fuller brow tissues, which are more prone to sagging as Asians age. Additionally, a descending brow and/or forehead can make a woman’s face look less feminine and the eyes look heavy and full. As a result, any existing eyelid crease will often become smaller and less defined.

Deep wrinkles in the forehead region are mostly formed due to habitual expressions.

The muscles in the forehead regions and in between the brows contract during facial expressions, and resulting in deep wrinkles. In addition, aging processes including stretched skin, skin elasticity loss, and sagging skin will contribute to the formation of fine lines.

About Brow / Forehead Lifts

Also known as Brow Lifts, Forehead Lifts can enhance the overall appearance of a person. Forehead Lift can be performed in conjunction with a Facelift and are a great way to treat the signs of aging in the upper eyelid and/or forehead. Furthermore, Forehead Lifts in conjunction with a Facelift help to create a more “balanced” look between the areas of the face that benefit from a Facelift and an aging forehead.

Forehead Lift sketch image


Incisions are made long the hairline, and stretched and sagging skins are lifted. The wrinkling muscles can be modified and redundant skin can be removed, which result in a flat and smooth forehead. Since the incisions are made along the hairline, scars will not be noticeable, and the surgery outcome last for a long period of time.

Post-Operative Care

The duration of the surgery will vary based on the extent of the procedure; yet, the duration of Facelift surgeries is typically 2 to 4 hours. The surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia and oral sedation.

*Results May Vary

When we look at eyes, we are not only looking at double eyelid folds, we are also looking at the overall “feel” of the eye and the eyelid. More specifically, if the eyelid looks heavy, no amount of natural double eyelid folding will make the eye look refreshed and natural. This heavy look is often mistaken for fat in the upper eyelids. However, the main cause of heaviness of the upper eyelid is thick eyelid skin, brow drooping, and eye positioning deep in the eye socket.

Thick eyelid skin induces puffiness of the eyelids. In these patients, removing fat will not significantly thin out the heavy feel of the eyelid. If one decides to remove the eyelid skin too much, then the distance between the eye and the brow is decreased. For females, this creates a more masculine look as the distance from eyebrows to eyes in men is shorter than than in women. By doing a brow lift, we can thin the heavy upper eyelid skin. If one lifts the brow up with one’s fingers, one would realize that the eyelid has thinned and they actually do not have much fat in the upper eyelid skin. Another important point to make is that the fat in the upper eyelid is there to create a lubricating and crushing effect in eyelid motion. The fat in eyelids is not the same fat as body fat. We will talk about eyelid fat in future blogs.

The other reason for heavy-looking eyelids is brow drooping from excess brow motion. Many people tend to open their eyes with brow elevation. They do this to get their forehead muscles to help them open their eyes. By continually raising one’s brow, the connection of the brow to the underlying deeper structure weakens and the brow drops. The optimal condition is to open one’s eyes without having to raise one’s brow by performing a ptosis surgery at the time of the double eyelid surgery. However, if the brow has drooped, then the solution is to re-raise the brow and stabilize it so that it does not easily droop again with age.

In future blogs, we will discuss deep-set eyes and how this induces eyelids to sag and cause puffy eyelids. We will also discuss various options for brow lifts.